Computer Repair, Consulting & Education Cowichan
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Computer Repair, Consulting & Education Cowichan

$40 · Computer Help in Duncan BC

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Welcome to CTT I enjoy tutoring and providing tech support so that your computers, tablets, cell phones, and other electronics work great and are easy to use. The services I offer include: Help on computers, tablets, cell phones, and other electronics Tutoring while answering all your questions Teaching many topics during structured lessons Computer Support in Duncan Would you like a hand setting up your devices or getting them to work a lot better? Can you grab a coffee and finish lunch before your computer gets onto the internet? I would love to provide solutions to these problems and many more so your electronics work great! I can provide tech support by: Setting up computers, tablets, cell phones etc. Clearing any bugs or viruses from your computer Getting your electronics running the way they should be Troubleshooting issues so you can focus on what's important Setting up printers and home entertainment systems Support for all your other computer devices Installing smart home devices Tutoring in Duncan BC Do you have questions about your computer, tablet, cell phone, or other devices? I would love to help answer them all while providing one on one lessons. I enjoy teaching in a way that is easy to understand so students can learn the important things about computers without being bombarded with tech jargon. I can provide lessons on: WordPress Windows 7 Windows 10 iPad & iPhone Apple (Mac) Computers Android (Tablets & Cell Phones) Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook) If you would like assistance with your computer, tablet, cell phone and more I would love to help you out. For computer help, lessons, and repairs contact CTT by email or call 250-815-0432 to get your electronics working great today! I am located in Duncan BC and can provide support for $30/Hr in my classroom or $40/Hr at your location if you are located close by.

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